
I have felt a little like Mega Man in the last month. Between putting in thirty hours or so a week at the Rendell for Governor campaign, then immediately flying to Kansas and driving 24 hours back in a Penske truck, only to unload a ton or so of stuff, sort it, organize it and cart a bunch of it away. In other words, I’ve been working so hard that I really didn’t have time to be tired.

Now it’s over, and I have been spacing out. The night before last I yakked on the phone a lot. Last night I read comic books and attached my old Nintendo Entertainment System to my friend L–’s TV which he’s storing at my house for now.

My old copy of R.C. Pro Am (one of my favorite games) is in bad shape and not really playable, but Bionic Commando and, of course, Mega-Man, were fine.

I played for several hours. I reflected on the fact that some of my favorite games were total bombs. Stinger was an awesome game where you saved the world from being turned to cotton candy. The most intriguing feature is you get extra powers by bouncing bells out of clouds and then shooting them up and down until they change into other bells and award powers. I also really loved River City Ransom, which was a very quirky play.

Then, of course, Mega-Man, which was a hit. It’s been going on and on. I don’t think I realized before how much Mega-Man is all about timing. It was also bizarre to realize at certain moments that I remembered how to do certain moves in the game without really remembering. I used to play that game I lot, but I don’t remember ever quite beating it.

I nearly beat it last night. I would have, but it was after midnight and I haven’t been sleeping enough lately anyway. So I quit and went to bed.