Not-very-broad broadsides

Yesterday, I discovered The Finsbury Park Manifesto. This morning, I ran across The Guerilla Poetics Project (thanks to WTWDAOA). Operatives for the project take poems printed using old school methods on high quality paper-stock and covertly place them inside books in bookstores for readers to later discover. It’s a way of tricking the masses into discovering the underground.

If the job of the poet is to get the poetry into the hands of people by any means necessary, Guerilla Poetics is doing it. In the Finsbury Park language: “Thus the poet seeks contagion. S-He makes poetry in daily life to contaminate those who surround her-him.”

Guess what, though? The Guerilla Poetics Project has a manifesto, too.

The back of all Guerilla Poetics broadsides