I think my house is haunted

I think my house is haunted. Upstairs, my Study is the middle of three upstairs rooms. It had a really worn out door knob on it that I knew was wearing down. I shut the door a lot, though, because my most important things are in the Study, and I don’t want my cats getting into them and gnawing on them. So yesterday I was pretty dysfunctional, wandering around the house in just a pair of underwear, and I had shut the door into the study behind me to mess with the computer.

This Is Not Your TV Show

If you had a TV show Everyone would tune in to see you Because everyone gapes at you But this is not your TV show If I were a ninja I would say you yank me out of hiding If I were Superman I would say Gold Kryptonite is just like crack If I were a painter You would try to buy my work to use in ads for biscuits This is not your TV show

On his toes and rocking

On His Toes and Rocking Old Tom’s fist hit Jacob Jean’s face and he could feel the tightness that meant Jacob Jean had not been quick enough to loosen his neck, to roll with the punch. The delivery would make its way all down his spine now. He could feel tht moment of resistance when a body doesn’t take a blow right, and he knew that was all he needed. He snapped his fist back and let his other hand have a go at the boy, though this one didn’t come as hard and he knew there wouldn’t be two gifts like that one in a row.

Signals turning

A little past the boundary of Harrison’s subdivision operated little coffee shop with a very little market inside. Harrison went there, usually, for bananas. Harrison lived a pretty boring sort of life so the need for a caffeine pick-up did not come up for him much. He liked bananas, though. Harrison would not have thought much about the coffee shop except that he started to develop a thing for movies. He went to movies a lot, suddenly.

Absolutely Original Friendship

When Mendelson’s plane went down in the jungle, he managed to prevent too much damage from getting done to it or to him. The thing would never fly again, naturally. The thing would probably never be seen again. The next time anyone saw it would probably be so far off in the future that it would be an archaeologist speculating on the crude craftsmanship of the ancient transportation device. Or something.

Sunny Tsunami

After the show, Shelley said she wanted to get out of the smoke. The boy on her arm had been the lead guitarist of the headlining band. The band’s good looking member - their eye candy. He was also a bit of a wicked type. He knew about throwing knives and all the fucked up stuff El Greco and his buddies used to do between paintings. The bar would close in a half-hour anyway so he didn’t care if they stuck around or not.

Kool like that

Kool Like That Rosa Lee and Albert the Drumstick had painted themselves a pair of antique Schwinn bicycles, Chicago built, circa 1967. They painted them only because the poor things were so rusty and nasty that even their classic lines and super smooth old paints just did not look any good anymore. His was a metallic blue, hers a metallic lavendar. Rosa Lee stole some chain protectors off an old asshole that lived in the rich people’s subdivision off antique bikes that he had for no reason, and Albert the Drumstick sweet talked a particularly dorky bike mechanic into cleaning up the transmission systems and giving them a couple nice but used chains.

Plumb lines

“The thing about the Mario Brothers, see, is they don’t really have anything to do with plumbing,” Old Johnson said, as he sat with his chest almost touching the top of the bar at “The Boater’s Net.” It sat on the land end of a long peer that he used to fish from as a kid. The pride and joy of the Boater’s Net was its bar top, reclaimed from a speakeasy south of the Mason-Dixon line.

Receiving signals

Frankie D was sitting in the nightmarish thing that passed for a chair in Studio A of WGNS, the college radio station he had basically called home for the last five years of his life. Frankie was on the extended education plan. WGNS had bad luck with the FCC From the start. Take it’s name, first of all. The Hip-Hop and Metal genre DJs loved to make up little promotional promos referring to firearms, such as “WGuNS: listen to what we fire at you!

Charming Obligations

Nikki woke up and found the charm bracelet next to her nightstand. It was not really a charm bracelet, she knew because she also knew how to work it. She knew why her best friend Tish had always worn the thing. She knew what its appearance meant. For seventeen weeks she did not touch the charm bracelet. She let it sit there, on her bedstand, glistening like the stainless steel bit of perfect craft that it was.