Did I Ask?

Harrison sat down for his umpteenth morning iced coffee at the corner coffee shop down the road from his house where he liked to go most mornings before work. He opened up his book, Berlin Stories by Christopher Isherwood, and started to read. He liked to get in 15 or 20 minutes of reading every morning with his coffee. Then he read the rest of the way into work on the bus.

Screening Fans

The Maestro led a band that looked like it might be signed by a decent label any day. They toured nationally a couple times a year. All the members got by on part-time jobs because they pulled in some money. The Maestro led the band. He wrote and arranged most of the songs, right. Every time they did a show in their hometown, St. Louis, the leader was surprised to find tons of concert posters up all over the city for the show, because neither he, his promoter nor the venue’s promoter ever made them and put them up.

Just Like a Boxer

Wendell B. Winchel disappeared five years ago. America’s most loved billionaire did not show up for a charity ball he had organized one night and was not seen again. The police could not find one person known to have spent any time with him in the preceding three years that could give any clues to where he was. The British fighter in the ring with Junior Dugan, great boxing has-been, didn’t even really know anything about Mr.

Love Art — Love/Art — Love, Art

Becca and Jacob Longbeach stood in the basement of their house with lots of open cans of acrylic paint in front of them. Dried acrylic paint decorated the floor in a sort of Pollock style haphazardry, though the colors definitely did not have the underlying order that Pollock’s paintings have. Incidentally, Becca was covered in red paint. Jacob was covered in yellow. “First you thought the giant monkey should be wrestling a duck, even though we had agreed on a devil monkey last week when we planned this,” Jacob said.

Pop Art Lover

When Anthony saw the poster he felt so moved that he wanted to steal it. The trouble was, it was behind glass. Behind glass, but in a coffee shop, on the community wall. It’s just that the shop was closed - what with it being 2 AM and all. The shop was closed and Anthony only ever came out at night. Anthony was not a vampire or anything stupid like that.

Out for a Spin

My name is Marcus, and I want to go canoeing. I’m walking up and down the street looking for someone to go canoeing with me. I have a canoe. I stole it. I was driving cross country and I saw a canoe in someone’s front yard and I pulled over and I threw it in the back of my truck. I’m a pretty strong guy. No problem. I didn’t know, at the time, why I threw it in the back of my truck.


Curtis sat in the cubicle designated for the person in his position as an urban planner at City Hall. He had on his little collared Oxford. His was a very light pink, because he was cool like that. He had on his little slacks and expensive shoes. His hair looked very neat. He alternated between his computer screen and his drafting table. Nobody liked the amount of parking planned for the neighborhoods in and around a sports center that the mayor had committed to see built.


When Aaron got out the taxi, he thought that he was at the corner of Pine and 19th, where he’d told the driver to take him. Aaron was not the sort of guy to pay attention to his surroundings very well. He handed the driver the money he expected with a little tip and got out of the car looking at his feet. When he looked up, though, there wasn’t a bar anywhere.

Hourly Comics Day 2012

Hourly Comics Day 2012 was February 1st. I knew about it. It was all over the Twitter. But I wasn’t going to do it. As you can see from the above, it fell on a day when I was going to be in a boring work meeting all day long and I was traveling to DC. The prospect of drawing on a bus ride was not that appealing to me either.